The ADHD Solutions Blog

How to make decisions

Back in January, I wrote about how difficult it is for people with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to make decisions. I suggested making choices based on who you want to be instead of who you’ve been in the past. That’s great advice for those big decisions like staying in college  vs. going pro, but what about the small stuff? Like which GPS to buy? There are two extremes when it comes to making decisions: People who shoot from the hip, and people who spend way too much time analyzing and ruminating, stuck in indecision. Surprisingly, the solutions are nearly the same regardless of which end of the spectrum you’re on. Here are some steps you can follow to make better decisions more easily:

Workshop: Intro to meditation and yoga for people with ADHD

Are you looking for holistic options to help you manage your Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder?   Yoga and meditation are both excellent choices.  They can help you increase your attention span and self control, while decreasing restlessness and tension. I've teamed up with Tina Stroh and Ron Blouch, co-owners of the Just Plain Yoga Studio here in Camp Hill, to offer a three hour workshop on meditation, yoga, and ADHD.  If you are even mildly affected by ADHD-like symptoms, including distractibility, impulsivity, and/or hyperactivity (which usually manifests as restlessness in adults), you won’t want to miss this one. Here’s what you’ll learn:

Free investment management seminar on February 9, 2010

Want to start investing but aren't sure how? You're not alone. Many people with ADHD struggle to reach their financial goals. Here is an opportunity to learn a little more about the financial markets that might be of interest:

Finding motivation when you just don't feel like it

It was dark and rainy outside.  I was cranky.  Almost 10 a.m, and I hadn't gotten anything done yet.  The CD I play to help me focus better (Bach's "Lute Suites") was on its second time through and still wasn't helping.  I was starting to feel guilty for being so unproductive. It was shaping up to be an ADHD kind of day. Exercise would help, but I didn't feel like it. 

TIme Management Workshop on January 28, 2010

When people ask me how I learned to manage my own ADHD, I often tell the story of a very supportive boss I had back in the 90s, who helped me develop organization, planning, and time management skills. That boss, Kent Frese, is now a nationally recognized expert in leadership development, strategic planning, business development, and operations process improvement as the president of Leadership Management Institute. Kent is offering a time management workshop on January 28, 2010 at the West Shore Country Club in Camp Hill, PA. This workshop would be great for anyone who could benefit from an improved understanding of goal setting, focus on high payoff activities and good time management practices.

Look ahead

Decision making is something most adults with ADHD struggle with. We also tend to be time blind, meaning it's hard for us to look back or ahead in time. We sometimes need a reminder to look in the right direction. Some of the best advice I ever received about making decisions came from a fortune cookie. It read: "Make choices based on who you want to be, not who you've been." This is a fundamental guiding principal that can lead you directly to the best answer. Think about where you want to be in the future. Which choice leads to that outcome? That's your answer.

'Tis the season to be patient

The holiday season is a test of everyone's patience.  People with ADHD – adults and children alike – tend to be less patient than most.  We hate waiting in line.  We want everyone to get right to the point (although some of us struggle with that ourselves).  We want our food right now.  Dang it, where is that waitress?! Maybe it’s our impulsivity.  Maybe it’s our hyperactive minds.  Maybe it’s because we have so many things going on in our lives, or our impaired sense of time.  Regardless of the cause, our need for instant gratification can be highly irritating to ourselves and the people around us. What to do?   Here are a few suggestions:

Got my credential!

I'm pleased to announce that I've been awarded the Certified ADHD Coach (CAC) credential by the Institute for the Advancement of ADHD Coaching (IAAC)!  I'm the first ADHD Coach ever to receive the CAC designation, which the IAAC began offering in March of this year (see my blog post from March 31). The IAAC is the only independent worldwide credentialing organization for ADHD coaches. It was formed to promote excellence within the ADHD coaching profession by providing credentialing, a set of core competencies, and ethical guidelines. Getting this certification is a significant milestone in my career.

Exercise and ADD: An Expert Interview With John J. Ratey, MD

I've always been an advocate of exercise in order to lessen ADHD symptoms.  Here is a terrific interview with Dr. John Ratey, published by  Medscape Psychiatry & Mental Health ( on  10/08/2009.  It's long, but worth the read.


Workshop: Introduction to Meditation and Yoga for People with ADHD

Are you looking for holistic options to help you manage your Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder?   Yoga and meditation are both excellent choices.  They can help you increase your attention span and self control, while decreasing restlessness and tension. I've teamed up with Tina Stroh and Ron Blouch, co-owners of the Just Plain Yoga Studio here in Camp Hill, to offer a two hour workshop on meditation, yoga, and ADHD.  If you are even mildly affected by ADHD-like symptoms, including distractibility, impulsivity, and/or hyperactivity (which usually manifests as restlessness in adults), you won’t want to miss this one. Here’s what you’ll learn:


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